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12 Steps to Create a Marketing Messages

12 Steps to Create a Marketing Messages

12 Steps to Create a Marketing Messages

How to Write in a Way That Inspires Action Your target market gets a ton of marketing messages every day. Whether it’s an email or an ebook, your marketing message needs to be a clear and powerful message. Use this worksheet to create compelling content that pulls your reader in and keeps their attention.

12 Steps to Create a Marketing Messages
Before You Write

1. Identify a persona you’re writing to. Paint a clear picture in your mind of the defining characteristics of your target persona and what they want. Example: Business owner, 40s-60s, conservative, professional, educated. Your turn: What are the characteristics of your target persona?

2. Get clear on what your target persona wants that you can help with. Understanding the goals you can help them achieve is fundamental to writing the message. Be specific about what they want. Example: They want to grow their business and increase profitability. Your turn: What are the characteristics of your target persona?

3. Have a clear objective. What is it you want to achieve with this message? For example, sell a product or share an article. Have only one goal per message. Example: I want them to book a meeting with me. Your turn: Write the objective for your message.

Ready, Set, Write!

4. Define the problem. The problem should be something that prevents your target persona from getting what they want. They know they have the problem, they have feelings about it, and it relates to your objective and your offer. Example: They are worried because their workforce is not able to collaborate on team projects effectively while working from home. Your turn: Write a short description of a problem this persona feels and which you can help solve.

5. Promote an offer that relates to the problem you identified. The offer needs to be something that can help the persona solve the problem they identified. Describe your offer using language they will understand. Example: Free Teams Trial with Managed IT Services discount Your turn: Share your offer in your message.

6. Show them how this offer is going to make their life better. What is it you want to achieve with this message? For example, sell a product or share an article. Have only one goal per message. Example: Their workforce will get projects accomplished faster, leading to higher profit margins. Your turn: Describe 3 ways this offer is going to improve your persona’s business or life.

7. Get their attention with empathetic statements. You wouldn’t be in business if you hadn’t seen the problem you’re trying to solve before. Tell your readers you are like them and understand their pain. Example: We know how concerning it is when your workforce can’t produce the same results they once did. Your turn: Add an empathetic statement to your message.

8. Sprinkle some expertise, but don’t overdo it. Show them you are experts by using a testimonial, mentioning a statistic, or sharing how long you’ve been in business. Briefly show your competence in solving this problem. Example: We’ve been in business since 2000. Your turn: Add an element of expertise you’ll include in your message.

9. Use a strong, direct, clear call-to-action. What do you want them to do as a result of reading your message? Make that crystal clear with direct, strong language. Include only one action per message to avoid detracting them from your real goal. Example: Sign up now Your turn: Define the call to action you’ll use to compel them to take the next step.

Review and Revise

10. Highlight all the places you talk about yourself. Remove all but a few spots where you talk about your company. Focus on the persona, the problem you’re solving and how you’re going to help them be successful.

11. Cut the solutions talk. The solution to their problem is great – but the bells and whistles in your offering aren’t going to grab their attention in a message. Save them for the sales meeting.

12. Simplify your message. Focus on clarity over cleverness and make it look easy to read. Shorten sentences. Remove redundancy. Banish words you’re using to make yourself sound smart. Go simple – it works.

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12 Steps to Create a Marketing Messages

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